So here’s a few tips to help you and your pet:-
Start a desensitisation programme with your dog – the Dogs Trust have a great one called “Sounds Scary”. It’s free, has full instructions with sounds to download. It’s not a quick fix, but is well worth persevering with.
To keep your dog safe on a walk pop a longline on them, this is a long lead without a handle that trails behind them. If they do show signs of stress you can quickly put your foot on the lead, distract them and if necessary choose a different route to go back to the car. Always end a walk on a positive note.
Most importantly try not to show your dog that you’re stressed and don’t interact with them when they are… it’s difficult to do I know.
Lastly, check sure your contact details are up-to-date on with your microchip provider. Also check your dog’s tag is still readable with your surname, phone number and post code on. That way if your dog does run off the finder will be able to contact you quickly and easily.
If your pet is still struggling then contact your vet or a behaviourist for further help.