How To Prevent Your Pet Needing To See Your Vet This Spring!

a dog sitting in grass
Spring is a great time of year, full of colour and warmth but can also be hazardous for our pets, particularly dogs.

Did you know….

Easter Eggs: chocolate contains a chemical that dogs don’t tolerate well. It can cause agitation, excitability, tremors, convulsion and heart problems

Hot cross buns: contain raisins/sultana’s which can cause severe kidney failure

Spring plants: crocuses, daffodils and tulips are just a few of the spring flowers that can cause tummy upsets

Adder bites: adders aren’t aggressive but will bite if provoked. Symptoms are swelling at the bite site, lethargy and collapse

Ticks: ticks can harbour diseases that are harmful to your pet once the tick has bitten them.

What can you do?

  • Safely store your snacks out of reach of your pet.
  • Supervise your pet in the garden, so they don’t eat the spring flowers.
  • Keep your dog on a lead when on a walk to avoid them surprising the sleepy adders.
  • Prevent your pet from getting ticks by regularly treating them with a good preventative product.

If you notice your pet eat any of these items, or you notice an adder bite, please contact your vet straight away!

Having the following information to hand will help your vet assess what treatment may be needed:

  • What they’ve eaten and how much
  • When your dog was exposed to it
  • If your dog has been unwell